Alumni Lunch with Women & Girl Ambassador

Applications for the 2025 Australia Awards scholarships has closed on 30th of April 2024.

If you require any advice or assistance for the 2025 intake please call the scholarship team on 77064302 or 77064305. Or email us at 

Scholarship Opportunities

Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders for development. Through study and research, recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia.

Applicants are assessed on their professional and personal qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their potential to impact on development challenges in Timor-Leste.

Australia Awards Alumni

The Timor-Leste Australia Alumni Association (TL3A) was established in August 2017 with formal ratification in October 2019.  The TL3A Board is supported by Alumni Secretariat Co-ordinator.

Current board members include Caetano Efandy Gomes Pinto (Chair), Carmeneza dos Santos Monteiro (Vice-Chair), Joraida Antonia Guterres Pereira, Luisa Gusmão de Gonzaga and Veneza Maria da Costa Luz Fereirra.

You can find out more about the TL3A and how to get involved via the links below.

Australia Awards Timor-Leste General Short Course and Academic English for People living with a Disability

Australia Awards Timor-Leste is delighted to announce a unique opportunity for eligible people living with a disability to study English for three months in Australia. This opportunity is available for up to five people living with a disability. The short course comprises up to a 3-month program of General and Academic English language learning alongside immersion in Australian culture and a breadth of opportunities to experience accessibility in Australia. Application is open on 1 until 15 April 2024, for more information to download application please click on these links: Application form ELT in Australia ELT in Australia Referee letter template…