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Alumni News

2024 Annual General Meeting

The most recent General Meeting along with new board election was held in February 2024. The AGM is held biannually and serves an opportunity for the previous board in presenting the annual activities and financial reports, adopting, and approving any revisions and/or amendments to the statutes (as necessary), considering any resolutions, motions or proposals that have been tabled as part of the agenda for the meeting, and discuss any other general business. The newly elected board has also been given the opportunity of presenting their vision and mission, proposed programs and any new mechanisms for engaging more our alumni.

Celebrate World Food Day with Alumni Paulino Pinto

  Australia Awards alumni and nutrition expert Paulino Pinto is no stranger to food vulnerability. Growing up in small village in Lautem, he helped his mother every day after his father died, by selling bread after school so they had enough money to eat and feed his four siblings. Paulino credits this early experience as motivating him to want to help poor families with malnourished children and to study hard at school. After finishing school Paulino gained a scholarship to study for a bachelor’s in biomedical science at Victoria University, Melbourne, and when he returned home he got his first…

Share Inclusive Education research finding

Share Inclusive Education research finding One of our alumni Casmira do Rosario Maia who holds a bachelor's degree in education from the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL), and master's degree in Disability Policy & Practice from Flinders University and have 10-year experience in Disability inclusion and Education Sector. Casmira is currently under internship program at Australia Awards Timor-Leste (AATL) and recently supported the program by presented to relevant organisation and government of Dr. Joanne Mosen’s research on Inclusive Education for people with total vision and hearing impairment in Timor-Leste, this session is aiming to increase participation of people with disability (PWD) on the AATL program’s activity.  For more information about the research please click on these links: Workforce-Development-Program-Timor-Leste-Disability-Inclusion-Report  & Presentation-Inclusive Education-Workshop  

TL3A Bulletin October 2024 Edition

  Timor-Leste Australia Alumni Association is pleased to share TL3A Bulletin October 2024 edition to capture the alumni engagement activities for the period of November 2023 to June 2024. The Bulletin covers range of news including some of our activities ranging from sectoral group activities, Alumni small grants, Alumni of the year award activities up to Alumni welcome home event in 2024 - these activities have evolved TL3A’s roles as an association. The TL3A Bulletin October 2024 edition has all the news! To find out more about TL3A activities, download TL3A Bulletin October 2024 Edition.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Annual General Meeting was held in January 2022. The AGM is held every two years and includes electing new board members, presenting the annual activities and financial reports, adopting, and approving any revisions and/or amendments to the statutes (as necessary), considering any resolutions, motions or proposals that have been tabled as part of the agenda for the meeting, and discuss any other general business.

TL3A’s COVID- 19 Response

The TL3A has been demonstrating its capacity as a high performing association throughout the pandemic by refocusing activities and resources. Alumni took on key roles in the Government of Timor-Leste’s COVID response including as Director of the National COVID-19 testing facility and in the training of frontline COVID-19 workers. The TL3A has also been contributing practically to the COVID-19 response, funding hygiene buckets, water tanks, personal protective equipment and a television talk show highlighting the needs of vulnerable groups. Most recently, Dr. Felix Piedade handed over water tanks to the Association for the Disabled of Timor-Leste (ADTL) and the Association…

Alumni of the year award

The Timor-Leste Australia Alumni of the Year award was introduced in 2019 to recognize the contribution that alumni make to Timor-Leste’s development. To date winners have used their prize money to support projects related to domestic violence awareness and to provide resources for people with disabilities and disability projects. The event is also an opportunity for alumni to network, learn more about the TL3A and to enjoy meeting up with each other. The winner of the alumni of the year award receives a prize of US $3,000, which they can use towards approved professional development or community development projects. The…