How can I join?

The Timor-Leste Australia Alumni Association (TL3A) is open to all Timorese graduates who have pursued studies in Australia. It provides a forum for networking, professional development, and most importantly a collective opportunity for all alumni to give back to Timor-Leste using knowledge and experiences gained during their studies in Australia.

By collaborative approach and strong coordination between TL3A board, overall alumni and DFAT, we have been able to create positive impact and bring good connection with our stakeholders and community. Through TL3A sectoral activities, alumni Small Grants, and the alumni showcase, the alumni association were also enabled to tackle and address some of the challenges faced within our community.

You can find out more and keep up to date with TL3A activities by visiting our facebook page @ausTLalumni

To keep your membership details up to date or for alumni who would like to join the TL3A or a sector group please fill out this form and email it to the Alumni Secretariat –