Australia Awards Timor-Leste Inclusive Teaching Strategies short course in early April 2023
Application is open on 6 February 2023 until 6 March 2023
Australia Awards Timor-Leste Inclusive Teaching Strategies short course in early April 2023 Australia Awards Timor-Leste is delighted to announce a unique short course opportunity for English teachers from local accredited training centers and English language institutions. This opportunity is available for up to 20 people. The short course is a 5-days intensive course in Dili. Applications are open from 6 February to 13 March 2023. This anticipated dates for this short course are from 3rd to 7th April 2023.
This short-term professional development opportunity will equip you with the knowledge and skills to develop and implement inclusive education teaching strategies in the classroom (particularly for students with vision and hearing impairments).
At the end of the course, you will learn new skills, gain new insights from the experienced course facilitators and other participants and have the skills and confidence to develop individual student education plans.
To find out more about this professional development opportunity, click below to read more about the application process and course details.